Sec 28-7365. Design-build; two-phase solicitation  

Latest version.
  • A. If the department determines that the design-build method of project delivery is appropriate, the department shall establish a two-phase procedure for awarding the design-build contract. The department shall limit each solicitation for a design-build contract to a specific single project.

    B. During phase one, and before solicitation, the director shall appoint a selection team of at least three persons. At least one-half of the selection team shall be architects or engineers who are registered pursuant to section 32-121. The selection team members may be either department employees or outside consultants. The selection team shall also include at least one person who is a senior management employee of a licensed contractor who is not involved in the project. Any architect or engineer who is serving on the selection team and who is not a department employee shall not be otherwise involved in the project. The department shall prepare documents for a request for qualifications.

    C. The request for qualifications shall include all of the following:

    1. The minimum qualifications of the design-builder.

    2. A scope of work statement and schedule.

    3. Documents defining the project requirements.

    4. The form of contract to be awarded.

    5. The selection criteria for compiling a short list and the number of firms to be included on the short list. At least three but not more than five firms shall be included on the short list.

    6. A description of the phase two requirements and subsequent management needed to bring the project to completion.

    7. The maximum time allowable for design and construction.

    8. The department's estimated cost of design and construction.

    D. The selection team shall evaluate the design-build qualifications of responding firms and shall compile a short list of firms in accordance with technical and qualifications-based criteria. The number of firms on the short list shall be the number of firms specified in the request for qualifications, except that, if a smaller number of firms responds to the solicitation or if one or more of the firms on the short list drop out so that only two firms remain on the short list, the selection team may proceed with the selection process with the remaining firms if at least two firms remain or the department may readvertise as the department deems necessary.

    E. During phase two, the department shall issue a request for proposals to the design-builders on the short list. The request shall include:

    1. The scope of work, including programmatic, performance and technical requirements, conceptual design, specifications and functional and operational elements for the delivery of the completed project, which shall all be prepared by an architect or engineer, as appropriate, who is registered pursuant to section 32-121.

    2. A description of the qualifications required of the design-builder and the selection criteria, including the weight or relative order, or both, of each criterion.

    3. Copies of the contract documents that the successful proposer will be expected to sign.

    4. The maximum time allowable for design and construction.

    5. The department's estimated cost of design and construction.

    6. The requirement that a proposal be segmented into two parts, a technical proposal and a price proposal. Each proposal shall be in a separately sealed, clearly identified package and shall include the date and time of the submittal deadline. The technical proposal shall include a schedule, schematic design plans and specifications, technical reports, calculations, permit requirements, applicable development fees and other data requested in the request for proposals. The price proposal shall contain all design, construction, engineering, inspection and construction costs of the proposed project.

    7. The date, time and location of the public opening of the sealed price proposals.

    8. Other information relevant to the project.

    F. If stated in the request for proposals, in order to inform each firm whether the firm's concept is responsive to the request for proposals, the department may enter into a separate confidential discussion with each firm on the short list to discuss alternative technical concepts that the firm may propose.

    G. The department shall proceed as follows:

    1. The selection team shall review the technical proposals and score the technical proposals using the selection criteria in the request for proposals. The technical review team shall then submit a technical proposal score for each design-builder to the department. The technical review team shall reject any proposal it deems to be nonresponsive.

    2. The department shall announce the technical proposal score for each design-builder, shall publicly open the sealed price proposals and shall divide each design-builder's price by the score that the selection team has given to it to obtain an adjusted score. The design-builder selected shall be that responsive and responsible design-builder whose adjusted score is the lowest.

    3. If a time factor is included with the selection criteria in the request for proposals package, the department may also adjust the bids using a value of the time factor established by the department. The value of the time factor shall be a value per day. The adjustment shall be based on the total time value. The total time value is the design-builder's proposed number of days to complete the project multiplied by the factor. The time adjusted price is the total time value plus the bid amount. This adjustment shall be used for selection purposes only and shall not affect the department's liquidated damages schedule or incentive and disincentive program. An adjusted score shall then be obtained by dividing each design-builder's time adjusted price by the score given by the technical review team. The department shall select the responsive and responsible design-builder whose adjusted score is the lowest.

    4. Unless all proposals are rejected, the board shall award the contract to the responsive and responsible design-builder with the lowest adjusted score. The board reserves the right to reject all proposals.

    5. The department shall award a stipulated fee equal to two-tenths of one per cent of the department's estimated cost of design and construction to each short list responsible proposer who provides a responsive, but unsuccessful proposal. If the department does not award a contract, all responsive proposers shall receive the stipulated fee. If the department cancels the contract before reviewing the technical proposals, the department shall award each design-builder on the selected short list a stipulated fee equal to two-tenths of one per cent of the department's estimated cost of design and construction. The department shall pay the stipulated fee to each proposer within ninety days after the award of the contract or the decision not to award a contract. In consideration for paying the stipulated fee, the department may use any ideas or information contained in the proposals in connection with any contract awarded for the project, or in connection with a subsequent procurement, without any obligation to pay any additional compensation to the unsuccessful proposers. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this paragraph, an unsuccessful short list proposer may elect to waive the stipulated fee. If an unsuccessful short list proposer elects to waive the stipulated fee, the department may not use ideas and information contained in the proposer's proposal, except that this restriction does not prevent the department from using any idea or information if the idea or information is also included in a proposal of a short list proposer that accepts the stipulated fee.