Chapter 34. DRUG OFFENSES  

Sec 13-3401. Definitions
Sec 13-3402. Possession and sale of peyote; classification
Sec 13-3403. Possession and sale of a vapor-releasing substance containing a toxic substance; regulation of sale; exceptions; classification
Sec 13-3403.01. Nitrous oxide containers; sale to minors; classification
Sec 13-3403.02. Selling or giving nitrous oxide to underage person; illegally obtaining nitrous oxide containers by underage person; classification; definition
Sec 13-3404. Sale of precursor or regulated chemicals; report; exemptions; violation; classification
Sec 13-3404.01. Possession or sale of precursor chemicals, regulated chemicals, substances or equipment; exceptions; classification
Sec 13-3405. Possession, use, production, sale or transportation of marijuana; classification
Sec 13-3406. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation of prescription-only drugs; misbranded drugs; classification; definition
Sec 13-3407. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation of dangerous drugs; classification
Sec 13-3407.01. Manufacturing methamphetamine under circumstances that cause physical injury to a minor; classification
Sec 13-3408. Possession, use, administration, acquisition, sale, manufacture or transportation of narcotic drugs; classification
Sec 13-3409. Involving or using minors in drug offenses; classification
Sec 13-3410. Serious drug offender; sentencing; definitions
Sec 13-3411. Possession, use, sale or transfer of marijuana, peyote, prescription drugs, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs or manufacture of dangerous drugs in a drug free school zone; violation; classification; definitions
Sec 13-3412. Exceptions and exemptions; burden of proof; privileged communications
Sec 13-3412.01. Prescribing controlled substances included in schedule I for seriously ill and terminally ill patients
Sec 13-3413. Forfeiture and disposition of drugs and evidence
Sec 13-3414. Notice of conviction to be sent to licensing board and the department of economic security; suspension or revocation of license or registration
Sec 13-3415. Possession, manufacture, delivery and advertisement of drug paraphernalia; definitions; violation; classification; civil forfeiture; factors
Sec 13-3416. Probationer; payment of costs
Sec 13-3417. Use of wire communication or electronic communication in drug related transactions; classification
Sec 13-3418. Ineligibility to receive public benefits; restoration; definition
Sec 13-3419. Multiple drug offenses not committed on the same occasion; sentencing
Sec 13-3420. Unlawful substances; threshold amounts
Sec 13-3421. Using building for sale or manufacture of dangerous or narcotic drugs; fortification of a building; classification; definitions
Sec 13-3422. Drug court program; establishment; participation