Article 1. General Regulations
Sec 17-301. Times when wildlife may be taken; exceptions; methods of taking
Sec 17-301.01. Protection from wildlife
Sec 17-302. Taking of bear or mountain lion for protection of property; report
Sec 17-303. Taking or driving wildlife from closed areas
Sec 17-304. Prohibition by landowner on hunting; posting; exception
Sec 17-305. Possession of other weapons while hunting; violation; classification
Sec 17-306. Importation, transportation, release or possession of live wildlife; violations; classification
Sec 17-307. Possession, storage, sale and gift of the carcass or parts thereof of wildlife
Sec 17-308. Unlawful camping
Sec 17-309. Violations; classification
Sec 17-310. Agreement to appear in court
Sec 17-311. Duty to report shooting accident resulting in injury or death; duty to give assistance; authority of officers
Sec 17-312. Misuse of firearms
Sec 17-313. Disposition of fines, forfeitures and penalties; reports
Sec 17-314. Civil liability for illegally taking or wounding wildlife; recovery of damages
Sec 17-315. Wildlife theft prevention fund; authorized expenditures
Sec 17-316. Interference with rights of hunters; classification; civil action; exceptions
Sec 17-317. Possession and containment of white amur; determination of closed aquatic system
Sec 17-318. Disease assessment and treatment before importing wildlife and transporting big game
Sec 17-319. Big game killed by motor vehicle; salvage permit; violation; classification
Sec 17-320. Jaguar; protection; violation; classification; civil liability; exception
Article 2. Licenses
Sec 17-331. License or proof of purchase required; violation of child support order
Sec 17-332. Form and contents of license; duplicate licenses; transfer or licenses prohibition; exemptions; period of validity
Sec 17-333. License classifications; fees; annual report; review
Sec 17-333.01. Fee limitation
Sec 17-333.02. Trapping license; education; exemption
Sec 17-334. Sale of licenses
Sec 17-335. Blind resident; fishing license exemption
Sec 17-335.01. Lifetime license and benefactor license
Sec 17-336. Complimentary and honorary youth licenses
Sec 17-337. Soldier's hunting and fishing licenses
Sec 17-337.01. Licenses for enrollees in the job corps
Sec 17-338. Remission of fees from sale of licenses or permits; violation; classification
Sec 17-339. Reports and returns by license dealers; noncompliance; classification
Sec 17-340. Revocation, suspension and denial of privilege of taking wildlife; notice; violation; classification
Sec 17-341. Violation; classification
Sec 17-342. Colorado river special use permit
Sec 17-343. Reciprocal sale of licenses and special use permits
Sec 17-344. Period of validity of special permits
Sec 17-345. Surcharges; purposes
Sec 17-346. Special big game license tags
Article 3. Trappers, Guides and Taxidermists
Sec 17-361. Trappers; licensing; restrictions; duties; reports
Sec 17-362. Guide license; violations; annual report
Sec 17-363. License to practice taxidermy
Sec 17-364. Fur dealer's license; records; reports
Article 4. Transportation and Storage
Sec 17-371. Transportation, possession and sale of wildlife and wildlife parts
Sec 17-372. Shipment by common carrier
Sec 17-373. Storage; exception