Article 1. Formation, Consolidation and Enlargement of Districts
Sec 48-1701. Powers and duties of district
Sec 48-1702. Petition for organization
Sec 48-1703. Security for costs upon filing petition
Sec 48-1704. Notice of hearing on petition; publication; continuance of hearing
Sec 48-1705. Determination whether district constitutes public use; call for organizational election
Sec 48-1706. Application for inclusion of additional lands prior to organization of district; condition precedent to application
Sec 48-1707. Objections to inclusion in proposed district
Sec 48-1708. Order of board defining boundaries of district; name of district; appointment of election commissioners
Sec 48-1709. Appeal from order of board
Sec 48-1710. Service of notice of appeal; record on appeal
Sec 48-1711. Trial of appeal; bond; effect upon organization proceedings
Sec 48-1712. Nomination of candidates to board of directors; notice of election
Sec 48-1713. Qualifications of electors; acreage voting; definition
Sec 48-1714. Form of ballots
Sec 48-1715. Returns; canvass by election commissioners
Sec 48-1716. Examination of returns by board of supervisors; resolution of organization; recording
Sec 48-1717. Terms of initially elected directors
Sec 48-1718. Recording map of district
Sec 48-1719. Consolidation of districts; election; adjustment of finances
Sec 48-1720. Division of district; assignment of directors
Sec 48-1721. Inclusion of additional lands after organization
Sec 48-1722. Exclusion of lands or subdivision from district by petition; payment of expenses of publication of notice and of hearing
Sec 48-1723. Notice of hearing on petition for exclusion of lands; hearing
Sec 48-1724. Entry and filing of order excluding lands or subdivision upon petition
Sec 48-1725. Guardians, conservators, personal representatives or administrators as petitioners
Sec 48-1726. Appeal from final action of board on exclusion of lands; entry of final order of board
Sec 48-1727. Effect of exclusion of lands on district property and organization; powers of board
Sec 48-1728. Limitation on subsequent formation of new district
Article 2. Administration
Sec 48-1741. Terms of directors; vacancies
Sec 48-1742. Annual election of directors; notice; qualifications of directors; voting place; expenses
Sec 48-1743. Increase or reduction in number of members on board; election
Sec 48-1744. Organization of board; officers; district office
Sec 48-1745. Bonds and oath of directors
Sec 48-1746. Compensation of directors
Sec 48-1747. Administrative powers of board
Sec 48-1748. Acquisition of tangible and intangible property; users in district dealing directly with suppliers
Sec 48-1749. Right to use public ways; nature of use
Sec 48-1750. Providing power for domestic use
Sec 48-1751. Restrictions on extension of power outside district; contracts with public bodies
Sec 48-1752. Federal reclamation act adopted; adoption by districts optional
Sec 48-1753. Exemption from antitrust statutes
Sec 48-1754. Supervisory powers of the director of water resources over district projects
Article 3. Financial Provisions
Sec 48-1771. Expenses of organizing district; issuance of time warrants
Sec 48-1772. Administration and general expenses defined; separate assessment and levy of taxes for each division of expense
Sec 48-1773. Annual estimate of expenses of district; certificate of expense
Sec 48-1774. Service charges; amount; limitation
Sec 48-1775. Taxes levied under federal law; apportionment; effect on inchoate titles
Sec 48-1776. Collection of taxes; delinquent taxes
Sec 48-1777. Limitation on district indebtedness
Sec 48-1778. Authority of directors to invest monies; approved investments
Sec 48-1779. Reimbursement for county services
Article 4. District Bonds and Refunding Bonds
Sec 48-1791. Initial general plan of works for district
Sec 48-1792. Determination of amount of initial bond issue
Sec 48-1793. Bond election; notice; terms of bonds
Sec 48-1794. Notice of election; publication; appointment of election officers
Sec 48-1795. Returns of election; canvass of returns; issuance and sale of bonds
Sec 48-1796. Authentication of bonds and coupons
Sec 48-1797. Deposit of proceeds of bonds; bond of district treasurer; liability of directors
Sec 48-1798. Bond retirement fund; investment of fund
Sec 48-1799. Issuance of refunding bonds; terms of bonds
Sec 48-1800. Execution of refunding bonds; interest; sale or exchange of bonds; payment
Article 5. Revenue Bonds
Sec 48-1811. Financial powers of district; limitation; definition
Sec 48-1812. Revenue bonds
Sec 48-1813. Terms, conditions and forms of bonds
Sec 48-1814. Resolution and trust agreements; adoption
Sec 48-1815. Bond agreements; covenants
Sec 48-1816. Sale of bonds
Sec 48-1817. Refunding bonds
Sec 48-1818. Purchase of bonds by the district
Sec 48-1819. Validity of bonds; nonliability of officers and directors
Sec 48-1820. Bonds as legal investments
Sec 48-1821. Federal income tax considerations
Sec 48-1822. Application of bond proceeds