Article 1. General Provisions
Sec 49-201. Definitions
Sec 49-202. Designation of state agency
Sec 49-202.01. Surface water quality general grazing permit; best management practices for grazing activities; definition
Sec 49-203. Powers and duties of the director and department
Sec 49-204. Gray water reuse
Sec 49-205. Availability of information to the public
Sec 49-206. Preservation of rights
Sec 49-207. Discrimination prohibited
Sec 49-208. Public participation
Sec 49-209. Industrial discharges to community sewer systems; registration; fee
Sec 49-210. Water quality fee fund; appropriation; exemption; monies held in trust
Article 1.1. Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Program
Sec 49-218. Definitions
Sec 49-218.01. Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund program; eligibility
Sec 49-218.02. Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund
Article 2. Water Quality Standards
Sec 49-221. Water quality standards in general
Sec 49-222. Water quality standards for navigable waters
Sec 49-223. Aquifer water quality standards
Sec 49-224. Aquifer identification, classification and reclassification
Sec 49-225. Water quality monitoring
Article 2.1. Total Maximum Daily Loads
Sec 49-231. Definitions
Sec 49-232. Lists of impaired waters; data requirements; rules
Sec 49-233. Priority ranking and schedule
Sec 49-234. Total maximum daily loads; implementation plans
Sec 49-235. Rules
Sec 49-236. Report
Sec 49-237. Impact of successful judicial appeal of Arizona department of environmental quality decision
Sec 49-238. Program termination
Article 3. Aquifer Protection Permits
Sec 49-241. Permit required to discharge
Sec 49-241.01. Groundwater protection permit facilities; schedule; definition
Sec 49-241.02. Payment for aquifer protection permit fees; definitions
Sec 49-242. Procedural requirements for individual permits; annual registration of permittees; fee
Sec 49-243. Information and criteria for issuing individual permit; definition
Sec 49-243.01. Presumptive best available demonstrated control technology
Sec 49-244. Point of compliance
Sec 49-245. Criteria for issuing general permit
Sec 49-245.01. Storm water general permit
Sec 49-245.02. General permit for certain discharges associated with man-made bodies of water
Sec 49-246. Criteria for developing best management practices
Sec 49-247. Agricultural general permits; best management practices for regulated agricultural activities
Sec 49-248. Agricultural best management practices advisory committee
Sec 49-249. Aquifer pollution information
Sec 49-250. Exemptions
Sec 49-251. Temporary emergency waiver
Sec 49-252. Closure notification and approval
Article 3.1. Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program
Sec 49-255. Definitions
Sec 49-255.01. Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; rules and standards; affirmative defense; fees; general permit; exemption from termination
Sec 49-255.02. Pretreatment program; rules and standards
Sec 49-255.03. Sewage sludge program; rules and requirements
Article 4. Enforcement
Sec 49-261. Compliance orders; appeal; enforcement
Sec 49-262. Injunctive relief; civil penalties; recovery of litigation costs
Sec 49-263. Criminal violations; classification; civil penalties; definition
Sec 49-263.01. Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; violation; classification
Sec 49-263.02. Sewage sludge program; violation; classification
Sec 49-264. Private right of action; citizen suits
Sec 49-265. Venue
Article 5. Remedial Actions
Sec 49-281. Definitions
Sec 49-282. Water quality assurance revolving fund
Sec 49-282.01. Maximum annual payments of fees and taxes by mines to water quality assurance revolving fund; definitions
Sec 49-282.02. Water quality assurance revolving fund; emergency response use; definitions
Sec 49-282.03. Interim remedial actions; reimbursement of the fund; rules
Sec 49-282.04. Cross-contamination inspection; remedial measures
Sec 49-282.05. Agreements for work; suspension of remedial action
Sec 49-282.06. Remedial action criteria; rules
Sec 49-283. Responsible party liability exemptions; definitions
Sec 49-283.01. Remediated water; liability; definitions
Sec 49-283.02. Petroleum liability
Sec 49-284. Notice; reportable quantities; penalties
Sec 49-285. Liability for remedial actions costs; limitation of actions
Sec 49-285.01. Prospective purchaser agreements; assignment; notice; fees; rules
Sec 49-286. Mitigation of non-hazardous releases
Sec 49-287. Enforcement; use of fund; inspections and information gathering; civil penalties
Sec 49-287.01. Investigation scoring and site registry; no further action
Sec 49-287.02. Responsible party search
Sec 49-287.03. Remedial investigation and feasibility study
Sec 49-287.04. Proposed remedial action plan; preliminary list of responsible parties; opportunity to comment; record of decision; appeal
Sec 49-287.05. Notice of liability allocation; eligibility
Sec 49-287.06. Allocation hearing
Sec 49-287.07. Actions for allocation and recovery of remedial action costs; limitation of actions
Sec 49-288. Information gathering and access; enforcement; retaliatory action; civil penalties
Sec 49-289. Fund financed remedial action; definition
Sec 49-289.01. Site boundary adjustment petitions; rules
Sec 49-289.02. Community information; public notice and comment
Sec 49-289.03. Community involvement plan; community advisory boards; rules
Sec 49-289.04. Water quality assurance revolving fund advisory board; definitions
Sec 49-289.05. Water quality assurance revolving fund advisory board; evaluation; report
Sec 49-290. Exemption from permit requirements; definition
Sec 49-290.01. Applicability of requirements; Arizona department of water resources
Sec 49-290.02. Applicability of Arizona department of water resources requirements; metal mining facilities
Sec 49-292. Settlement; authority and effect
Sec 49-292.01. Qualified business settlements; definition
Sec 49-292.02. Financial hardship settlement
Sec 49-294. Use of monies obtained through consent decrees or litigation
Sec 49-295. Environmental liens
Sec 49-296. Settlement agreements
Sec 49-298. Appealable agency actions; licenses
Article 6. Pesticide Contamination Prevention
Sec 49-301. Definitions
Sec 49-302. Information submittal
Sec 49-303. Pesticide evaluation process; reporting requirements
Sec 49-304. Penalty for groundwater protection data gap
Sec 49-305. Groundwater protection list; regulation of pesticides on list
Sec 49-306. Groundwater protection data gap; cancellation of registration
Sec 49-307. Monitoring and testing
Sec 49-308. Enforcement
Sec 49-309. Cancellation of pesticide registration; hearing for reconsideration and continued use
Sec 49-310. New pesticides; conditional registration; reports
Article 7. Water Quality Appeals
Sec 49-321. Appeals
Sec 49-322. Water quality appeals board
Sec 49-323. Appeals to the board; judicial review
Sec 49-324. Stay pending appeal; standard of review
Article 8. Dry Wells
Sec 49-331. Definitions
Sec 49-332. Registration
Sec 49-333. Regulation of dry wells; license to drill
Sec 49-334. Enforcement and penalties; appeals
Sec 49-335. Rules
Sec 49-336. Exemption; golf courses
Article 9. Potable Water Systems
Sec 49-351. Designation of responsible state agency
Sec 49-352. Classifying systems and certifying personnel; limitation
Sec 49-353. Duties of director; rules; prohibited lead use
Sec 49-353.01. Duties of director; rules; standards; water supply; definition
Sec 49-354. Enforcement; violation; classification; compliance orders; judicial review; injunctive relief; civil administrative penalties; civil penalties
Sec 49-355. Small water systems fund; definition
Sec 49-356. Water systems; designating lead agency; coordinating council
Sec 49-357. Joint monitoring and testing
Sec 49-358. Water system compliance assistance program
Sec 49-360. Monitoring assistance program for public water systems; monitoring assistance fund; rules
Article 10. Sewage Treatment Plants
Sec 49-361. Sewage treatment plants; operator certification
Sec 49-362. Calculation of wastewater treatment capacity; gray water; definition
Article 11. Local Stormwater Quality Programs
Sec 49-371. Local stormwater quality programs; authority; limitations; fee; civil penalty; definition
Sec 49-372. Administrative director; enforcement
Article 12. Local Water Pretreatment
Sec 49-391. Local enforcement of water pretreatment requirements; civil penalties