Chapter 3. AIR QUALITY  

Article 1. General Provisions
Sec 49-401. Declaration of policy
Sec 49-401.01. Definitions
Sec 49-402. State and county control
Sec 49-403. General permits and individual permits; issuance; definition
Sec 49-404. State implementation plan
Sec 49-405. Attainment area designations
Sec 49-406. Nonattainment area plan
Sec 49-407. Private right of action; citizen suits
Sec 49-408. Air quality conformity; definition
Sec 49-409. Chlorofluorocarbons; permitted use; retaliation prohibited
Sec 49-410. Arizona emissions bank; program termination
Sec 49-411. Particulate measures; cities, towns, counties, departments; implementation; report
Sec 49-412. Alternative fuel delivery systems; standardized waivers
Sec 49-413. Clean burning alternative fuels; public refueling
Article 2. State Air Pollution Control
Sec 49-421. Definitions
Sec 49-422. Powers and duties
Sec 49-424. Duties of department
Sec 49-425. Rules; hearing
Sec 49-426. Permits; duties of director; exceptions; applications; objections; fees
Sec 49-426.01. Permits; changes within a source; revisions
Sec 49-426.02. Permit shield
Sec 49-426.03. Enforcement of federal hazardous air pollutant program; definitions
Sec 49-426.04. State list of hazardous air pollutants
Sec 49-426.05. Designation of sources of hazardous air pollutants
Sec 49-426.06. State program for control of hazardous air pollutants
Sec 49-426.07. Imminent and substantial endangerment
Sec 49-426.08. Research program on hazardous air pollutants
Sec 49-427. Grant or denial of applications; revisions
Sec 49-428. Appeals of permit actions
Sec 49-429. Permit transfers; notice; appeal
Sec 49-430. Posting of permit
Sec 49-431. Notice by building permit agencies
Sec 49-432. Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records
Sec 49-433. Special inspection warrant
Sec 49-435. Hearings on orders of abatement
Sec 49-437. Conditional orders; standards; rules
Sec 49-438. Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing
Sec 49-439. Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions
Sec 49-440. Term of conditional order; effective date
Sec 49-441. Suspension and revocation of conditional order
Sec 49-442. Appeal of county decisions
Sec 49-443. Court appeals; procedures
Sec 49-444. Notice of hearing; publication; service
Sec 49-447. Motor vehicle and combustion engine emission; standards
Sec 49-448. Limitations
Sec 49-453. Air quality impact reports; filing
Sec 49-454. Adjusted work hours
Sec 49-455. Permit administration fund
Sec 49-456. Technical assistance for small business; compliance advisory panel; panel termination
Sec 49-457. Agricultural best management practices committee; members; powers; permits; enforcement; preemption; definitions
Sec 49-457.01. Leaf blower use restrictions and training; leaf blower equipment sellers; informational material; outreach; applicability
Sec 49-457.02. Dust-free developments program; certification; seal
Sec 49-457.03. Off-road vehicles; pollution advisory days; applicability; penalties
Sec 49-457.04. Off-highway vehicle and all-terrain vehicle dealers; informational material; outreach; applicability
Sec 49-457.05. Dust action general permit; best management practices; applicability; definitions
Sec 49-458. Regional haze program; authority
Sec 49-458.01. State implementation plan revision; regional haze; rules
Sec 49-459. State plan; carbon emissions from power plants
Sec 49-460. Violations; production of records
Sec 49-461. Violations; order of abatement
Sec 49-462. Violations; injunctive relief
Sec 49-463. Violations; civil penalties
Sec 49-464. Violation; classification; penalties; definition
Sec 49-465. Air pollution emergency
Sec 49-466. Precedence of actions
Sec 49-467. Preservation of rights
Article 3. County Air Pollution Control
Sec 49-471. Definitions
Sec 49-471.01. Regulatory bill of rights
Sec 49-471.02. Fees; express authority
Sec 49-471.03. Inspections
Sec 49-471.04. Notice of proposed rule or ordinance making
Sec 49-471.05. Contents of preamble
Sec 49-471.06. Public participation; written statements; oral proceedings
Sec 49-471.07. Time and manner of rule or ordinance making
Sec 49-471.08. Expedited rule or ordinance making
Sec 49-471.09. County rule or ordinance making record
Sec 49-471.10. Invalidity of rules or ordinances; prohibited agency action
Sec 49-471.11. Substantive policy statements; directory of rules and policy statements
Sec 49-471.12. Petition for rule or ordinance making or review of practice or policy
Sec 49-471.13. Permitting time frames
Sec 49-471.14. Reporting; compliance with time frames
Sec 49-471.15. Administrative appeals
Sec 49-471.16. Waiver
Sec 49-472. Department studies
Sec 49-473. Board of supervisors
Sec 49-474. County control boards
Sec 49-474.01. Additional board duties in vehicle emissions control areas; definitions
Sec 49-474.02. Voluntary lawn and garden equipment emissions reduction program; voluntary lawn and garden equipment emissions reduction fund; criteria
Sec 49-474.03. Voluntary vehicle repair and retrofit program; criteria; fund; report
Sec 49-474.04. Voluntary vehicle repair and retrofit program advisory committee
Sec 49-474.05. Dust control; training; site coordinators
Sec 49-474.06. Dust control; subcontractor registration; fee
Sec 49-474.07. Voluntary diesel equipment retrofit program; criteria; inventory; permits
Sec 49-475. Powers and duties
Sec 49-476. Authorization to accept funds or grants
Sec 49-476.01. Monitoring
Sec 49-477. Advisory council
Sec 49-478. Hearing board
Sec 49-479. Rules; hearing
Sec 49-480. Permits; fees
Sec 49-480.01. Permits; changes within a source; revisions
Sec 49-480.02. Appeals of permit actions
Sec 49-480.03. Federal hazardous air pollutant program; date specified by administrator; prohibition
Sec 49-480.04. County program for control of hazardous air pollutants
Sec 49-481. Grant or denial of applications
Sec 49-482. Appeals to hearing board
Sec 49-483. Permit transfers; notice; appeal
Sec 49-484. Expiration of permit
Sec 49-485. Posting of permit
Sec 49-486. Notice by building permit agencies
Sec 49-487. Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records
Sec 49-488. Special inspection warrant
Sec 49-490. Hearings on orders of abatement
Sec 49-491. Conditional orders; standards; rules
Sec 49-492. Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing
Sec 49-493. Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions
Sec 49-494. Term of conditional order; effective date
Sec 49-495. Suspension and revocation of conditional order
Sec 49-496. Decisions of hearing board; subpoenas; effective date
Sec 49-497. Declaratory judgment
Sec 49-497.01. Judicial review of hearing board or administrative law judge decisions
Sec 49-497.02. Judicial review of appealable agency action not subject to review by hearing board or administrative law judge
Sec 49-498. Notice of hearing; publication; service
Sec 49-501. Unlawful open burning; exceptions; civil penalty; definition
Sec 49-502. Violation; classification
Sec 49-503. Defenses
Sec 49-504. Limitations
Sec 49-506. Voluntary no-drive days
Sec 49-507. Technical assistance to small businesses
Sec 49-510. Violations; production of records
Sec 49-511. Violations; order of abatement
Sec 49-512. Violations; injunctive relief
Sec 49-513. Violations; civil penalties
Sec 49-514. Violation; classification; definition
Sec 49-515. Precedence of actions
Sec 49-516. Preservation of rights
Article 5. Annual Emissions Inspection of Motor Vehicles
Sec 49-541. Definitions
Sec 49-542. Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition
Sec 49-542.02. Mechanic education program
Sec 49-542.03. Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition
Sec 49-542.03. Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition
Sec 49-542.04. Off-road vehicle and engine standards
Sec 49-542.05. Alternative fuel vehicles
Sec 49-542.06. Roadside testing of diesel vehicles; contract; test standards; cut points
Sec 49-542.07. Civil penalties
Sec 49-542. Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition
Sec 49-543. Emissions inspection costs; disposition; fleet inspection; certificates
Sec 49-544. Emissions inspection fund; composition; authorized expenditures; exemptions; investment
Sec 49-545. Agreement with independent contractor; qualifications of contractor; agreement provisions
Sec 49-546. Fleet emissions inspection stations; certificates of inspection; dealer's inventory; investigations; revocation or suspension of permit
Sec 49-547. Authority of director to acquire enforcement equipment
Sec 49-548. Improper representation
Sec 49-549. False certificates
Sec 49-550. Violation; classification; civil penalty
Sec 49-551. Air quality fee; air quality fund; purpose
Sec 49-551.01. Diesel vehicle low emissions incentive grants; criteria
Sec 49-552. Enforcement on city, town, county, school district or special district property
Sec 49-553. Vehicle emissions; research; equipment; cost analysis
Sec 49-554. Technical assistance review
Sec 49-555. Retrofit of diesel vehicles
Sec 49-556. Low emission vehicle program
Sec 49-557. Government vehicles; emissions inspections; noncompliance; vehicle operation privilege suspension
Sec 49-558. Voluntary accelerated purchase of tier 2 and 3 equipment; definitions
Sec 49-558.01. Voluntary implementation of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel; definition
Article 7. Emissions Control
Sec 49-571. Clean burning or alternative fuel requirements for new buses; definitions
Sec 49-572. Joint use of clean burning or alternative fuel refueling stations
Sec 49-573. Emissions controls; federal vehicles
Article 8. Travel Reduction Programs
Sec 49-581. Definitions
Sec 49-582. Travel reduction program regional task force; composition
Sec 49-583. Duties and powers of the task force
Sec 49-584. Staff duties
Sec 49-587. Voluntary participation
Sec 49-588. Requirements for major employers
Sec 49-589. Variances
Sec 49-590. Requirements for high schools, community colleges and universities
Sec 49-591. Exemptions
Sec 49-592. Appeals
Sec 49-593. Violations; civil penalties