Article 1. Organization of State Department of Corrections  

Sec 41-1601. Definitions
Sec 41-1602. State department of corrections; purpose
Sec 41-1603. Director; appointment; qualifications; compensation
Sec 41-1604. Duties and powers of director
Sec 41-1604.01. Authorization for care
Sec 41-1604.02. Inmate stores; establishment; privatization; prices; goods; inmate store proceeds fund
Sec 41-1604.03. Special services fund; uses; report
Sec 41-1604.04. Investment of special service fund monies; approval; deposit of proceeds
Sec 41-1604.05. Investment of offenders' funds; deposit of proceeds; commingling permitted
Sec 41-1604.06. Earned release credit eligibility certification; classifications; appeal
Sec 41-1604.07. Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration
Sec 41-1604.08. Global position system monitoring: daily fee; deposit
Sec 41-1604.09. Parole eligibility certification; classifications; appeal; recertification; applicability; definition
Sec 41-1604.10. Earned release credits; forfeiture; restoration; applicability
Sec 41-1604.11. Order for removal; purposes; duration; work furlough; notice; failure to return; classification; applicability; definition
Sec 41-1604.12. Community correctional centers; powers and duties; allocation of compensation; absence without leave; classification; notice; hearing; location; applicability
Sec 41-1604.13. Home arrest; eligibility; victim notification; conditions; applicability; definitions
Sec 41-1604.14. Release of prisoners with detainers; eligibility; revocation of release
Sec 41-1604.15. Probation or other release noneligibility; violent crime; under the influence of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug
Sec 41-1604.16. Parole or community supervision eligibility for persons previously convicted of possession or use of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug
Sec 41-1604.17. Arizona parents commission on drug education and prevention
Sec 41-1605. Power to accept and expend gifts
Sec 41-1606. Access to prisoner medical history information
Sec 41-1607. Correctional facilities for minors; programs
Sec 41-1608. Inmate medical services; rate structure
Sec 41-1609. Agreements with federal or private agencies and institutions; contract review; emergency contracts
Sec 41-1609.01. Adult incarceration contracts; criteria
Sec 41-1609.02. Establishment of private prison facilities; notice; hearing
Sec 41-1609.03. Adult incarceration private contractors; liability for services
Sec 41-1609.04. Reimbursing county for expense of prosecution; private prison
Sec 41-1609.05. Community accountability pilot program; fund; program termination; definition
Sec 41-1609.06. Teaching offenders to live program
Sec 41-1610. Hazardous duty designation
Sec 41-1610.01. Authorization to maintain and retake custody of New Mexico prisoners