Article 1.1. Arizona State Parks Board  

Sec 41-511. Arizona state parks board; membership; appointment; terms
Sec 41-511.01. Compensation and organization of board
Sec 41-511.02. Director; qualifications; state historic preservation officer
Sec 41-511.03. Purposes; objectives
Sec 41-511.04. Duties; board; partnership fund; state historic preservation officer; definition
Sec 41-511.05. Powers; compensation
Sec 41-511.06. Eminent domain
Sec 41-511.07. Parks and monuments on state lands
Sec 41-511.08. Judicial review
Sec 41-511.09. Park ranger law enforcement officers; training
Sec 41-511.10. Rejection of gifts
Sec 41-511.11. Disposition of gifts; state parks donations fund
Sec 41-511.12. Annual report
Sec 41-511.13. Violations; classification
Sec 41-511.14. Transfer of authority
Sec 41-511.15. Arizona trail; fund; definition
Sec 41-511.16. Rock climbing state park; fees, gifts and donations; disposition
Sec 41-511.17. Sustainable state parks and roads fund
Sec 41-511.18. Spur Cross Ranch state park
Sec 41-511.19. Catalina state park
Sec 41-511.20. Authorized emergency use of water from Lake Patagonia by city of Nogales
Sec 41-511.21. State parks revenue fund; purpose; exemption
Sec 41-511.22. Trail systems plan; deposit of monies; definition
Sec 41-511.23. Conservation acquisition board; land conservation fund; conservation donation and public conservation accounts; livestock and crop conservation fund